Glasgow's Cycling Award

At the beginning of October, Glasgow City Council won the 'Excellence in Cycling and Walking' category at the "Transport Awards" to slow hand claps from cyclists all around Glasgow. Frankly, Bike Gob thought that this must have been some kind of a joke.

It is unclear what exactly these "Transport Awards" are, but Bike Gob suspects that Glasgow City Council may well have awarded it to themselves. The showy (and steep) 'Bridge to Nowhere' was one achievement highlighted, a project that Bike Gob understands was funded not by the council but through Big Lottery and Sustrans funding and one that GCC only had a hand in designing. The gobs at the council have been quick to pat themselves on the back for this award and in a letter in response to the Cycle Friendly Glasgow Petition, our ahem "cycling csar" Frank Mcaveety referenced it backing up his claim that "it is clear that Glasgow has been enormously successful in it's endeavours regarding cycling". Bike Gob nearly choked on Bike Gob's granola.

So Bike Gob decided to check out the route of the Connect2 project using the Bridge to Nowhere to connect Glasgow Central Station to the West End and also took in the most used section of the NCN 75 (that's a National Cycle Network gobs in the council) in the city centre. Bike Gob ended Bike Gobs quest at Berkeley Street for reasons previously mentioned here.

Bike Gob doesn't often use cycle paths in the city as they are usually poorly maintained (ahem, by the council), full of holes, glass, slippy wet leaves, and their design usually concedes them to shared use paths, containing gobs and dogs. They are also presumably signposted by well, nae gob, and if Bike Gob does try to use them, Bike Gob gets gobbing lost. But if the council are going to use an award for their design work as proof that Glasgow is cycle friendly, the design must be pretty good. Right?

EDIT 21st Nov 2014 After a touch of gentle nudging Bike Gob has had a response from the Cycling Csar! BG was a little cheeky there but will be keeping an eye on what happens and continue the pesky annoyance when there is no action by Christmas.

EDIT 25th Nov 2014

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